IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Connect Fellowship was a special, one-time initiative created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of IPP.  There are no plans for future offerings.  


The purpose of the IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellowship is to strengthen the Canadian particle physics research effort through the support of connections between IPP institutions.  It will be a four year postdoctoral fellowship connecting at least two IPP  institutions as co-hosts for the Fellow where the first two years of the Fellow’s tenure are at one institution and the other two at the second institution. Hosts can partner with TRIUMF, SNOLAB, Perimeter, or any university with IPP Members. This fellowship is to support research that connects and adds value to at least two particle physics research domains (two experiments, two theory areas, or experiment-theory). As a four-year Fellowship it can be considered a potential stepping stone to a faculty-level appointment.  IPP will provide matching funding for salary+benefits up to a maximum of $35,000/year from IPP, with the remainder of the Fellow’s salary and benefits paid from other grants or by the host institutions.


IPP members who are faculty at Canadian institutions (universities and research laboratories) may optionally submit an expression of interest to host and attract potential applicants for the IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellowships (1 page maximum outlining research interests). If two hosts have already worked out a connecting proposal they may also optionally submit the proposal to IPP (2 page maximum). Expression of interests or connecting proposals should be sent to and will be made available to potential applicants upon request. Alternatively, applicants can independently reach out to potential hosts where they see a connection and suggest a research proposal as described below.


Applications from postdoctoral candidates include a research proposal, CV and reference letters.

The research proposal should address the synergies of the two scientific domains that the applicant would combine during their tenure as an IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellow as well as the suitability of the applicant’s research experience for maximizing the scientific potential of such a synthesis. It will be no more than 2 pages in length, excluding references, with text formatted in 12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins (a skeleton application template can be copied from this Overleaf link)

Applicants also submit their academic CV and should also arrange for two reference writers to submit their reference letters. All of these documents should be sent to

Applicants are strongly encouraged to reach out to prospective host institutions and PIs prior to submitting their proposal. Applicants should feel free to propose their own ideas beyond existing projects currently being carried out at the host institutions.


The application deadline for the IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellowship is Dec 1st. Offers will be made in early January, in accordance with the agreement on postdoctoral offer deadlines in the theoretical particle physics community.


The program is open to applicants who will have obtained their PhD by the time they take up the Fellowship. Candidates who are currently postdoctoral scholars are eligible to apply and candidates based in Canada are allowed to use their current institution as one of the host institutions if they choose. Fellowship holders are to have had no more than 6 years post-PhD experience by the time they begin the IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellowship.


IPP will notify the IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellowship award winner and their proposed hosts. IPP will provide 50% matching funding of salary and benefits up to a total maximum of $35,000.00  / year. The remainder of the Fellow’s salary and benefits must be raised from other grants or by the host institutions.


IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellows are invited to present their research at one of the IPP Annual General Meetings. IPP will cover the relevant travel expenses.


IPP Connect Fellows will spend 2 years (50%) of their 4 year tenure at each of the host institutions.


The Fellow should acknowledge IPP in all publications and conferences by use of the title, “IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellow” or by an acknowledgement that partial salary support was provided by a IPP 50th Anniversary Connect Fellowship.


Questions should be directed via email to